LAUDA DR. R. WOBSER GMBH & CO. KG, the world market leader for tempering equipment and systems, is participating in the fundraising campaign of the Tauberfanken Donors’ Association. In doing so, the family-owned company is supporting the regional cultural scene, which in many parts has been put under strain due to the pandemic. At the official handover of donations on July 7, 2021, Heidi Griefenow-Maedel from the FreilichtTHEATER im TEMPELE Niederstetten e.V. 1993 and Monika Schumann from the Kulturverein Bad Mergentheim e.V. were guests at LAUDA’s company headquarters. Dr. Gunther Wobser, CEO and President of LAUDA, presented the symbolic checks together with Paul Gehrig from the Tauberfranken public utility company and Thomas Landwehr from Sparkasse Tauberfranken.
»Cultural operators are having a particularly hard time in the pandemic« explained Thomas Landwehr, one of the initiators of the action. That is why the Tauberfranken Donors’ Association was founded, which supports non-profit cultural associations together with companies from the region. According to Thomas Landwehr, donations have already been handed over three times. He always hears stories that make people sad. For LAUDA, supporting the campaign was a matter of course: »When I was asked by the Sparkasse for support, I immediately agreed wholeheartedly,« explained Dr. Gunther Wobser, President and CEO of LAUDA, at the check presentation. LAUDA has been closely associated with the cultural scene in the region for decades. Among other things, the company hosts the LAUDA FabrikGalerie bi-monthly – with a current break due to the pandemic – which celebrates its 25th anniversary this year.
»Wir sind sehr froh, dass wir jemanden haben, der uns unterstützt«, bedankte sich Heidi Griefenow-Maedel bei den Anwesenden. Auch wenn man nicht wisse, wie sich die Pandemie im nächsten Jahr entwickeln werde, wolle man »nicht den Kopf in den Sand stecken«, so die Vorsitzende des Vereins. »Ohne Sie wäre es wirklich nicht möglich«, bestätigt auch Monika Schumann, Spielleiterin im Kulturverein Bad Mergentheim. Dr. Gunther Wobser zeigte sich beeindruckt von den Schilderungen der Spendenempfänger über die immensen Schwierigkeiten während der derzeitigen Gesundheitskrise. »Vielen Dank für Ihre Einsichten«, schloss der Geschäftsführende Gesellschafter von LAUDA.
»We are very happy to have someone who supports us,« said Heidi Griefenow-Maedel, thanking those present. Even if one does not know how the pandemic will develop next year, one does not want to »bury one’s head in the sand,« said the chairwoman of the association. »Without you, it really wouldn’t be possible,« Monika Schumann, play director at the Bad Mergentheim cultural association, also confirmed. Dr. Gunther Wobser was impressed by the donation recipients’ descriptions of the immense difficulties during the current health crisis. »Thank you very much for your insights,« concluded the President and CEO of LAUDA.